Thank you for following "me" xxx

Tuesday 1 January 2008

First post of 2008!!

Wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR... May this be filled with happiness, joy, good health, laughters and happy stamping! :oD...

Got your new year resolutions? Mine are the usual. I'm on a diet and will eat healthy - well from tomorrow anyway! -, ring my parents on a regular basis and talk to my sister as much as possible, be a tidier crafter and look after my stamps better! And get MORE rubber stamps! :oD... At least I know I will keep this last one! Good luck with keeping yours...

Love x

BONNE ANNEE a tous... J'espere qu'elle sera pleine de bonheur, joie, bonne sante, rires et joyeux "tamponnage"! :oD

Et les resolutions de nouvelle annee!!! Se sont toujours les memes pour moi. Je suis au regime et mangera sainement - du moins a partir de demain! -, telephoner a mes parents regulierement et parler a ma soeur le plus possible, etre une "carteuse" moins bordelique et prendre beaucoup plus soin de mes tampons! Et acheter encore plus de tampons!!!! Au moins je sais que je vais garder cette derniere! Bonne chance a garder les votres...



Bubbles said...

Happy New Year Isa, look forward to seeing lots more of your wonderful cards this year!! Love the glamour puss one!
Glad you are feeling better.

CraftyC said...

Wishing you and your family a very happy new year! I haven't started crafting again yet but cant wait to play with my new magnolia and sugar nellie stamps......